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(in PDF)
Auswahl Stossdämpfer Shock absorbers
Auswahl Unterfahrschutz Underride protection
Auswahl Serviceöffnung Service adapter
Auswahl Spurstangenschutz Steering link prot.
Auswahl Diffenetialschutz Differential gear prot.
Auswahl Zughaken Tow hook
Auswahl Schnorchel Snorkel
Auswahl Schwenkarm Hecktüre Swinging arm
Auswahl Strom Hauptschalter Circuit main breaker


Landrover cars are built in a very robust way from factory. Therefore, it is not necessary to 'rebuild' the vehicle even for rough ground in most cases. However, if you (over)load the car or on long tours (rough roads, fluctuations of temperature, wading) then you should think about some precaution enhancements. My Zebra wights 3.2 tons if fully packed (1.9 tons on the rear axle and 1.3 tons on the front axle). And you are absolutely right, there is
some leeway for better balancing

One of the most useful accessories is the tow hook. Not because I use it often.
But if a car attacks you from behind (rear end collision) the hook works wonders... Another add-on that I should not like to miss is the main circuit breaker. My Zebra uses roughly 0.1 ampere in idle mode (electronics). This is not much but is sufficient to empty the battery after a few weeks. For the rest
of my adaptions you may consult the detailed description sheets.




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