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(in PDF)


Auswahl Geigerzähler GM counter
Auswahl Kamerastativ Video stand
Auswahl Kompass 12V Inverter
Auswahl Batterie Aggregat 220V Converter
Auswahl Neigewinkel Messer Rear view camera
Auswahl Windabweiser Various


My gadgets are small things that are not necessary for Offroading but nevertheless give me some fun and demand sometimes technical challenges. Well, the opinion might admittedly be widely divided about their benefit. On the other hand, I could always broaden my horizon and became more familiar with my car. If you remove the dashboard twenty times you know where the screws are and how you approach best. I also had to learn the hard way to set up a color coding system for my various electrical installations as after a few months I didn't remember exactly anymore what cables I used in the beginning. Apart from this, a color coding scheme also helps you if cables are nagged.

Regardless. I granted myself this little freedom and hope that I will not receive too many negative critics from you. In any case, I could prolong my handicraft work somewhat. It was a meaningful leisure activity for me.

Enjoy reading the details.





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