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(in PDF)
Auswahl Radio Radio
Auswahl TV TV
Auswahl Bibliothek Library


In In an expedition vehicle, you will find normaly very little entertainment as there is literally no space for amusement. But as I do not want to be without at least some pleasure (and news) I have searched for ways to realise it also offroad-wise.

The radio is normal equipment in most cars (although it is difficult to find radios with short wave options these days). Television is already somewhat less common in cars. But the library is not existant in most vechicles. I do not have a 42 inch TV screen either an by far no cyclopedia. It is only the idea that gives me some fun. Some of you may find it exagerated. But far from home and at remote places I sometimes enjoy listening to some tunes from home or to read some familiar literature. In addition, it is always interesting to scan for local radio or TV stations; not just because of the news but also because of the different music styles in the world.





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